Dr. Pavlina Kröckel

Dr. Pavlina Kröckel

Fachbereich Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
Management Intelligence Services

Raum: Raum 4.450
Lange Gasse 20
90403 Nürnberg


by appointment only (please send an email)

Research Projects

ResearchGate Profile

Course Responsibilities


Work Experience


2011-2012 Student Research Assistant at Fraunhofer Supply Chain Services Nuremberg
2012-2013 Student Research Assistant at the Chair of Information Systems II of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
2012-2013 Intern at adidas Group, Global IT, CoE Marketing
2013-2019 Ph.D. student at the Chair of Information Systems II of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
2019 – 2021 Post-Doc and Consultant Smart Data in Football, RedBull Football Academy Salzburg
Since 2022 Habilitation candidate
Since 11/2023 Consultant at Lichtenberg Forschungsgesellschaft mbH


1985 born in Bulgaria
2003 Abitur in Macedonia
2003-2007 International Relations, Bachelor Degree at SWU Neofit Rilski, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
2010-2013 International Business Studies, Master of Science at University of Erlangen Nuremberg
2013-2019 Ph.D. studies











Supervised Student Reports (excerpt)

  • Trustworthy data sharing in healthcare: A blockchain-based concept and prototype(in cooperation with Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne)
    (Jan Miltner; Master Thesis; 2022/23)
  • The business and patients value of trusted data sharing within and between stakeholders in healthcare – lessons learned from explorative studies on private blockchains in healthcare(in cooperation with Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne)
    (Jule van de Logt; Master Thesis; 2022/23)
  • Design and implementation of an analytical football database to support data-driven decision making in sports   
    (Marvin Habermann; Master Thesis; 2016)
  • Wearable technology in amateur football – A case study  
    (Adrian Pomayr; Bachelor Thesis; 2017)
  • Tracking in handball – An overview and analysis of the potential opportunities  
    (Björn Eberhardt; Bachelor Thesis; 2016)
  • Evaluation of Tracking Systems in Soccer for the Purpose of Player Substitution 
    (Andreas Kelz; Bachelor Thesis; 2016)
  • The Potential of Wearable Technology in Amateur Football – A qualitative study 
    (Moritz Zieglmeier; Bachelor Thesis; 2016)
  • Measuring the effectiveness of sports sponsorship on social media – by the example of football players sponsored by adidas
    (Julia Serafin; Bachelor Thesis; 2016)
  • Determinants of player substitution in football – A qualitative study
    (Isa Tümer; Bachelor Thesis; 2016)
  • Predicting the outcome of football matches – A Literature Review
    (Raphaela Dung Nguyen; Bachelor Thesis; 2016)
  • Effectiveness of Sport Sponsorship – A Literature Review
    (Florian Krenzel; Bachelor Thesis; 2015)
  • Gamification in Sports Marketing
    (Michael Schulz; Bachelor Thesis, 2015)
  • The Connected Customer: Designing a self-service information assistant application for Smart Glasses in retail
    (Daria Eichner; Master Thesis, 2014)